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Join us at a track day to enjoy the thrill and excitement of your bike's true power in the safest way possible - all while improving your riding skills and confidence with the help of our knowledgeable, fun and friendly coaches!

Here you will find our events at GingerMan Raceway located just outside of lakeside South Haven, Michigan, including our discounted Bike Nights! GingerMan Raceway is nestled in more than 300 acres of woodlands, rivaling the beauty of any state park.

This track, at 2.14 miles with 11 turns, is one of the safest road courses in the nations which makes it perfect for newcomers, but also offers enough challenges for the experienced rider.  GingerMan Raceway boasts high speed straights and short sprints, long sweeping corners and tight apexes, heavy and light braking, and elevation change.

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